

Outbreak Detection and Management


Chexout can help with early detection of outbreaks and support your syndromic surveillance efforts with real– time information and data. Our integrated end–to–end software solution for Public Health consolidates data from Clinics, Investigators, Lab Records and more.
Chexout is fully interoperable and ready to be your next
big step in reaching CDC’s Data Modernization
Initiative (DMI) goals.
• Chexout alerts staff when an outbreak is emerging.
• Collects places, date, time at location and contacts
reported by index patient.
• Automatically creates cluster diagrams.
• Aggregates data system–wide.
• Visualize outbreaks with heatmaps, line lists, etc.
• Filter for potentially exposed individuals or outbreak
• Ad hoc module for emerging/unknown infections.
Chexout delivers to Public Health the most advanced data integration and disease surveillance tools available.

Ready to take the Next Step?
Contact us today to schedule a demo or request a free assessment: info@chexout.com or (855) 660-1300

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